Monday, October 05, 2015

Automation is creeping up on PR

When we begin to look more closely, we find that there are other instances of automation. For example anyone can use a wiki to learn how to organise an event, and there is software online to help automate the process (e.g. Evenbright and Planningpod etc.) and this means that there are services available that are already beginning to offer automated functionality. Anyone can run events and automate much of the process. 
There are commercial drivers too. Our market is growing fast: Jon Moeller, chief financial officer at Procter & Gamble, said at an investor conference in 2015: "In general, digital media delivers a higher return on investment than TV or print." 

A lot of this change has, just as with the industrial revolution, affected jobs. Many are no longer needed, but new ones are being created. 
The nature of identifying PR process and using the information to increase productivity is now common. 
An example of ordinary and elementary PR might be an activity — let's say a new post on your blog. The first step in automation will be that the instant it is posted online it triggers an action, such as sharing that post on Twitter and Facebook. It's a simple automated process  More information is available here (but there is lots all around the Internet). 
Profiling, analysing and finding appropriate drivers of client constituencies with progressively enhanced monitoring and evaluation is already being automated, of which more later.

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